Create new account

Your personal details



This will be displayed on your account and any messages or bills we send

Date of birth

This helps us secure your account & may also be used for tracing and collection purposes if payments are not maintained

For example: 01 01 1970


Examples include he/him, she/her, they/them or ze/hir

Personal status

Your contact information

This will be used for your login and receiving messages and bills


Telephone number

Please enter at least one number in the following fields so we can send water supply updates, information about our services and respond to your enquiries, when necessary.

Number must start with +44 or 0

Number must start with +44 or 0

Your Billing address

This is where we'll send any paper bills or correspondence

Create your password

  • Must be at least 15 characters long

  • Include both uppercase and lowercase letters

  • Include at least one number and one special character (e.g. £, #, %)

  • Must not contain your account number, email, or common passwords (e.g. “password”, “football”)

For more information on how we process your personal data, please see our Privacy Notice